July 23, 2021
Property Deals Insight
We are Open to Equity Funding - A unique opportunity to be part of Property Deals Insight and save tax

Let’s face it. It’s not always easy to find the best properties to invest. If you tried getting into the process, like me, you might also find the property investment life cycle is way too slow…

As someone with a corporate and tech background, I knew I had to do something about this, hence the launch of Property Deals Insight (PDI)!

With this SAAS platform and APIs, retail and property professionals will find it easy to find deals with sourcing strategies, know how much a property is worth, and obtain other property reports and insights.

Our Growth in Numbers

        27M+                 350K+                  1300+        

    UK Homes         Property Deals      Satisfied Users

You can now own Property Deals Insight

So far we have been primarily self-funded and have only allowed some selected investors in our close network to be part of the PDI journey raising Pre Seed Investment (GBP 150K). Going forward we expect the product to be supported by subscriptions from the growing user base.

A number of new members of the team have since joined our Sales/Marketing/IT teams and we continue to push forward aggressively.

We are receiving a rapidly increasing number of inquiries including some BIG names to join/partner with us.

To keep up with this increase in demand we are now planning an aggressive future growth strategy to take the company forward, and are looking at the next fundraise.

We have a lot of exciting changes happening at Property Deals Insight and we would very much like to have you on board.

By investing in Property Deals Insight, you will have a chance to get involved early in our growth story and own a part of PDI.

And with the The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) you will get generous tax reliefs on your investment.

How will you benefit from EIS?

Income Tax Relief of Up To 30%

So, if you’re investing £10,000, you can knock off £3,000 right on your income tax bill

No Capital Gains Tax

When you make a profit from an EIS investment, you”ll get to take full benefit on that profit

Loss Relief

When you make a loss on your investment, you can simply offset that amount against your income tax

CGT Deferral Relief

You can treat a gain as non-existent until at a future date, usually when you’re ready to dispose EIS shares

No Inheritance Tax

You pay no inheritance tax on shares bought through EIS. That’s a 40% saving after 2 years!

Ready to put your money to good use?
Start NOW. Start with PDI.

If you have any questions or want to know more about this opportunity please reach out to us via email – investors@propertydealsinsight.com or give us a call on 02033898222.
