
Unlock the potential of lease option deals and transform your property investment strategy. In the UK property market, lease options provide a flexible way to control properties and generate rental income without an immediate purchase. This step-by-step guide will show you how to use the robust capabilities of Property Deals Insight (PDI) to streamline your search for lease option opportunities.

Lease option deals combine the benefits of leasing and buying properties. They allow you to lease a property with the option to purchase it at a later date, typically at a pre-agreed price. This strategy is advantageous in markets where property values are expected to rise, offering a way to control properties with minimal upfront costs.

An average lease option sourcer can charge substantial fees for transitioning deals to investors, highlighting the strategy’s financial viability.

Professional sourcers often extend their services beyond deal sourcing, providing property management solutions to landlords. This creates a continuous income stream for the sourcer and their investor, epitomizing a symbiotic business relationship that benefits all parties involved.

Step 1: Log into Property Deals Insight

  • Visit the Property Deals Insight website.
  • Click on the login button and enter your credentials.
  • Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Access the Motivated Vendors Prospecting Tool

  • From the dashboard, navigate to the ‘Prospecting’ section.
  • This tool is your gateway to finding properties that have potential for lease option deals.
Lease Option Property Deals direct to Vendors - Get access to whole of market Vendors willing to do business with Property Deals Insight

Step 3: Setting Your Criteria

  • Enter specific postcodes or areas where you are looking to find Lease Option deals.
  • The tool allows you to add multiple postcodes or areas for a broader search.

Step 4: Apply Targeted Filters

Property Deals Insight
  • Focus your search on properties that have been on the market for an extended period, have reduced prices, or are listed both for sale and rent.
  • Use filters to identify motivated sellers who might be struggling to sell their properties or are now OFF-Market. And are more likely to be open to lease option proposals without you facing much competition.

Step 5: Analyze Search Results

  • Review the properties that match your search criteria. 
  • The platform provides detailed information, including full property addresses and listing statuses, to help you make informed decisions..
  • Use the PDI Heatmaps feature to identify areas with good rental yields and in areas with stable or increasing property values.

Step 6: Reach Out to Property Owners Directly

Lease Option Direct mailing with AI Poerwed by property deals insight
  • With the platform’s Automated Direct Mailing solution, you can contact property owners directly from within the platform.
  • This feature allows you to quickly and efficiently send personalized letters to property owners, presenting your lease option offer.

Step 7: Download and Utilize Data

  • Download the list of potential  lease option properties for further analysis.
  • Use the downloaded data to track your outreach and follow-up activities.


Property Deals Insight equips you with the tools to find and connect with property owners for lease option deals efficiently. By targeting the right properties and leveraging the platform’s direct mailing feature, you can streamline your outreach process and increase your chances of securing profitable deals.

Pro Tip: Maximizing Property Owner Responses:

  • Highlight the benefits of lease options to the owners, such as continued income and the potential for future sale.

Regularly refine your search criteria based on market trends and your business goals to discover new lease option opportunities.

Check out our YouTube video on “How to Find Direct-to-Vendor-Deals”

Get started with your Lease Option journey. We’re here to help.

How to Get Started on Your Lease Option Journey?

To get started, simply sign up for our free trial at Once you’re in, use our platform to start finding motivated property owners who are willing to accept your lease option offers. With our comprehensive lease option offering, you’ll be able to create your own successful lease option business with low investment and high returns.